AI and the Creative Industry: How to Future-Proof Your Career in the Age of Automation

Change comes slowly, then suddenly, then all at once.

There’s a big generational shift happening in tech. Here are 3 things that will drastically impact the creative industry (and your paycheck) in the next few years.

Background: December of last year, I wrote that “there is no going back to ‘normal’ or whatever it was that we called life before the lockdowns.”

I was convinced that we stepped into an entirely new world, that if you didn’t spend all of last year trying to find out how to move a significant part of your job, career, store, service, company or brand online then you’re already behind.

There is no going back to ‘normal’ or whatever it was that we called life before the lockdowns.

4 months until the end of the year and were starting to see glimpses of it:

1. Employers realized that a physical office is an optional expense.

During the lockdown, everyone worked from home but deadlines were still met, products were shipped and projects were completed. If your employer can pay you to work at home, then they can find either a better or a cheaper version of you somewhere else in the world.

2. Remote work was normalized for employees.

We all realized that we don’t have to bear the daily commute to earn a living, that we don’t even have to live near the city to work and get a paycheck. The job market for anyone with a high-level skill just got bigger

3. AI is going to flatten entry-level jobs for the service, creative and design industry.

If you want to get your mind blown, check this out:

Now, imagine how much better AI-generated content will be in a few years.

If it’s still not clear to you, let me spell it out: in the next few years, creative professionals will be competing for work not just with every other designer from around the world, but with quality AI-generated designs that can be produced cheaply.

If you’re not preparing for this eventuality, you’re also not opening yourself to the opportunities that this change will bring.

Upskill, build an audience and work on your brand. Start now.

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